Braydeston Court

Retirement Homes

4 Braydeston Avenue, Brundall, Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 5JX  (Show me directions)

01603 7...Landline    Landline   

01603 712029    01603 712029   



Broadgate Healthcare

Broadgate Healthcare is a new group of homes, but the owners of Broadgate Healthcare have been in the care field since 1993, originally purchasing Ashberry Court, which had already been trading as a care home since approximately 1978.   Broadgate Healthcare is not doing anything different to other quality homes, but our aim is to try to deliver a high standard of care, hopefully exceeding what has been set down in legislation and good practise by the National Minimum Care Standards, in a homely and caring environment. Healthcare to us, covers everything from physical care, mental health care and emotional care, and as such our homes are a doorway into the caring world.   Broadgate Healthcare currently comprises of three homes, Shiels Court, a residential EMI care home for the elderly in Norwich and Glangarnant Nursing home, which is dual registered for residential care of the elderly in Wales and Cilgwin Manor dual registered in Wales.  

There are three bathrooms, all with a hoist for those residents who need assistance, and one with a removable hoist for those residents who are able to bathe without assistance.

The home has undergone major renovation and restoration lvoing fromthe prioprietor and is now a well respected home in the area with our reputation spanning 3 counties. The proprietor has plans to build some nursing bedfs onto the home in the near future to enable those residents that may deteriorate to need nursing care to remain in the home and this has been planned for some time.


Kash Asar

(Managing Director)

Mr Kashif Afsar

(Managing Director)


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